Friday, February 11, 2011

Austin school district may slash more than 1,000 positions

I found this article in the Austin American Statesman that was very interesting ,and it effects all school faculty and students statewide. If you have not already heard, "Austin schools Superintendent Meria Carstarphen will recommend on Monday cutting more than 1,000 positions next school year, about 8% of the district's total work force." administrators said Friday.  The plan proposed that 770 campus-based positions and 242 central office positions would be eliminated from the 12,000-employee work force for an estimated salary savings of $53.6 million. If this goes as planned, there are going to be a lot of teachers out of jobs which would neither be good for them nor the local and statewide economy. I really hope that their is a solution to this budget shortfall. If state lawmakers can not come up with an answer to the budget crisis in the near future a lot of people are going to be unemployed.

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